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How to hide section

How do i hide a section from a log out user.. for example i will not want a log out user to access a form i uploaded to my webiste..

5 yrs ago Posted By Olabamiji Mayowa846 views0 downloads0 plays in How to Share

How do I uninstall plugin ( CentOS 7 cPanel)

Apologies if this is already covered somewhere and I missed it.  Is there a guide you could point me to that outlines how to uninstall this plugin?  I attempted the instructions from cPan...

5 yrs ago Posted By Veda1200 views0 downloads0 plays in How to Share

What could be the reason for file upload error and site redirection?

I recently submitted file upload error and I was resolved. It was brought to my understanding that the temp directory on my server was not writeable. The issue was resolved, only for me to see the ...

5 yrs ago Posted By isaac daramola656 views0 downloads0 plays Share
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