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PageCarton dashboard needs analytics to give more insight into what is going on on the website. Number of page views, top pages, downloads, views for weekly, daily, monthly, yearly.
Admin can't log in to their website back end after i new site was created.. on another server
How do i hide a section from a log out user.. for example i will not want a log out user to access a form i uploaded to my webiste..
In PageCarton when an item is added to cart,it authomatically to take the user to the cart page , which I think it is a poor system behaviour. What if a user want to buy more than ...
feature request
Backend admin panel in Russian. The ability to translate the backend admin panelinto other languages. It is even better that the translation was automatic via Google or another translator. The abil...
feature request
Instead of Russian words in Cyrillic in the code displays this Главная
isaac daramola
6 yrs ago