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Development using self designed theme

If I create a theme using HTML, CSS and JavaScript or may be using a frame work like bootstapp and materialize, will I b able to upload and use on pagecarton



Ngninx and Centos

I installed PageCarton on a new server. The server is running on CentOS 7.5 and uses Ngnix. After installation, I replace the sites folder in the pagecarton directory to my backedup old sites. But ...



File upload error

I want upload files on my site, but I experience  <div class='badnews'>There is error on this page please reload your browser to continue. If this persist, contact the a...



HTML Content

Please, I created a new post type called packages, which is mililar to article. But want the content filed to display html content, instead it is presenting the unformatted html text.



Gateway Error

How can I solve this Gateway Timeout ooo?



Default page override

Goodday, I have a mutiplesite enable platform with PageCarton, but I want to create a predefined page for all the site. I also want to overide the default content of PC default pages, how do I go a...



What could be the reason for file upload error and site redirection?

I recently submitted file upload error and I was resolved. It was brought to my understanding that the temp directory on my server was not writeable. The issue was resolved, only for me to see the ...



Issue Multisite

I just installed cPanel on my server, I have activated wildcard-subdomain and I have also enabled multisite on my PageCarton site, yet multiste is not working. Please what could be the reason?



How to download PageCarton via link

I want to download PageCarton  via console to a directory.  How can I get the link?



Installed PC on VPS and received multiple errors when attempting to create a site. How can this be fixed?

Warning: mkdir(): Permission denied in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/pagecarton/frontend/check_install.php on line 21 Warning: chmod(): Permission denied in /usr/local/cpane...



How do I uninstall plugin ( CentOS 7 cPanel)

Apologies if this is already covered somewhere and I missed it.  Is there a guide you could point me to that outlines how to uninstall this plugin?  I attempted the instructions from cPan...



Couldn't create first user account during installation

While installing pc I descovered the first account creation form did not appear. Then I continued the installation. But there is not way form me to login since I couldn't create the first user ...



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