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Admin Cant log in Kindly reinstall PageCarton

How to hide section Under widget advanced settings, select privacy. Under the privacy options, select, “Logged in users only” or “standard users”

Could not Log in After succesfully installation No information here to help solve your issue

A continue shopping button on cart page. I think having an ajax-based cart system is best implemented as a theme-based implementation. This is absolutely possible with the current PageCarton structure. If we have a specific e-commerce plugin, this can become expandable. I want this to be open to discussion

Couldn't create first user account during installation I was able to solve the issue by downloading a fresh pagecarton and reinstalled it.

How do I uninstall plugin ( CentOS 7 cPanel) Sorry for late response. To uninstall this plugin, you need to run Run uninstall.sh on the server to uninstall PageCarton cPanel Plugin. Script is usually located on /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/pagecarton/plugin/uninstall.sh. Run the following commands on the terminal to uninstall the plugin. `UNINSTALLER="usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/pagecarton/plugin/uninstall.sh"` `chmod 755 $UNINSTALLER` `$UNINSTALLER` Don't forget to help us by leaving a feedback before you remove the plugin, it is possible for us to provide custom upgrades and bug fixes so the plugin can work to your specification.

USERNAME TO INSTALL NOT SET Sorry for late response to this. It appears you are using the auto-install plugin for cPanel. Whenever you have the error of "USERNAME TO INSTALL NOT SET", you may need to add the account over again. Meanwhile, please join the PageCarton Community to receive instant support and other benefits.

Installed PC on VPS and received multiple errors when attempting to create a site. How can this be fixed? Kindly reinstall. The cPanel plugin has been updated. Let us know if this fixes your issue.

Issue Multisite Find out more on how to set up wildcard domain by your hosting service provider. Normally, it would require you set up a CNAME record of '*' pointing to '@'.

What could be the reason for file upload error and site redirection? Check your domain list in the PageCarton Admin Panel. You may have created domains. Its almost impossible for your site to redirect to an arbitrary site you have not created yourself. Also, your question is for two separate issues that u should look into separately.

File upload error It appears that it was a technical server issue. Your webserver was unable to write to the system temp directory /tmp. A temporary fix has been applied by changing the temporay directory to PageCarton temp dir /pagecarton/temp.

I can not create a page in Russian in Cyrillic

Can't create a page in Russian in Cyrillic shows an error. Then create the English page is created but then have to rename Russian to Cyrillic.

0 comments | 590 views

by aukc1970 |

Couldn't create first user account during installation

While installing pc I descovered the first account creation form did not appear. Then I continued the installation. But there is not way form me to login since I couldn't create the first user ...

4 comments | 779 views

by isaac daramola |

How do I uninstall plugin ( CentOS 7 cPanel)

Apologies if this is already covered somewhere and I missed it.  Is there a guide you could point me to that outlines how to uninstall this plugin?  I attempted the instructions from cPan...

1 comments | 1200 views

by Veda | How to



1 comments | 1478 views

by Jordan Robertson | Fixing PageCarton

Installed PC on VPS and received multiple errors when attempting to create a site. How can this be fixed?

Warning: mkdir(): Permission denied in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/pagecarton/frontend/check_install.php on line 21 Warning: chmod(): Permission denied in /usr/local/cpane...

1 comments | 659 views

by Fred | Installing PageCarton

Issue Multisite

I just installed cPanel on my server, I have activated wildcard-subdomain and I have also enabled multisite on my PageCarton site, yet multiste is not working. Please what could be the reason?

8 comments | 657 views

by isaac daramola |

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